Year: 2020101

Investigating the Relationship between Gender and Perception of Environment and Its Effect on Design from Gestalt Perspective

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Year: 2018110

The Role of Structure in the Aesthetic Creation of Architectural Space

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Year: 2017712

Explaining the conceptual model of influence and effect of architectural form and structure

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Year: 1397410

تبارشناسی زیبایی شناختی فرم معماری و سازه

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Year: 2018

Conceptual Model of Effect and Form of Architecture and Structures

Authors: Fatemeh Nejati, Farah Habib, Azadeh Shahcheraghi
Article Title: Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management
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Aesthetic genealogy of architectural and structural form

Authors: Fatemeh Nejati | Farah Habib
Article Title: Journal of Science, Technology and Environment
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Analysis of the plans of the Islamic Housing with Climate Zoning of Rural Architecture of Iran

Authors: Fatemeh Bahirai | Fatemeh Nejati
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Architectural Form Aesthetic in the light of Conceptual Structural Design

Authors: Fatemeh Nejati | Farah Habib | Azadeh Shahcheraghi
Article Title: International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
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Architecture and Landscape Architecture (Review of Technical Courses and General Understanding of Architecture for Master's Degree)

Authors: Fatemeh Nejati
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Authors: Fatemeh Nejati | Veronica Gatto | Anna Castioni | Marta Tebaldi | Mahdi Babaei | Fabio Fracchetti | Giovanna E Felis
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